Establishment of Khushal Khan Cadet College at Manki Sharif is a hallmark not only for the people of Nowhera or KPK but for the whole Pakistan. The College name is derived from the famous Pashtun personality Khushal Khan Khattak. He is known for his scholarly services in literature as well as poetry. He was a scholar, warrior and chief of the Khattak tribe. Therefore, this Cadet College is considered an excellent platform to communicate the teachings of Khushal Khan Khattak to upcoming youth and transform them as true custodians of Pashtun traditions and reflection of Muslim leadership.
I have always been dreaming to contribute in the leadership development of our youth. Khushal Khan Cadet College is the institution which will convert my dream into reality. Being the elder of this area and representative of the people of Pakistan, I think this Cadet College will certainly contribute in unity as well as prosperity of people and alleviate poverty through knowledge.
Logo of this cadet college is designed to spread a special message. The book with pen at top of the logo reflects gaining knowledge and spread it through the power of your pen. This attained knowledge leads to prosperity which is shown with the help of golden wheat beads. The monograms of three services of Pakistan in the center indicate that this knowledge instills leadership qualities enabling you to lead in all spheres of life. The crux of this logo is “Learn to lead” and this will be the motto of Khushal Khan Cadet College.
As Chairman Board of Directors, my utmost endeavour will be to guide faculty members in developing such an environment which is conducive not only for study but also for making students a true Muslim as per teaching of Islam. High physical standards with robust minds would certainly enable the students of Khushal Khan Cadet College to develop logical thinking process. Thereby, preparing the Cadets physically, psychologically, spiritually and mentally to accept challenges of 21st Century through effective use of technological advancements.